26 maart 2008
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De heer Goossens, Mw J. Stassen- Muyrers, De heer en Mevr. Kikama
De navolgende reactie willen wij U niet onthouden:
Dear Mrs. Jen Stassen and Geert Goossens
Dr. Edith Stein Organisation
Thank you for your E-mail! And thank you for your kindness in Echt last month!
However our sudden visiting, you spent much time for guidance,
so it was very wonderful and significant time for us,
We could sense and image that Edith Stein had lived at your city, Echt.
Later in Echt, we went to Koln and Wroclaw and Auschwitz.
We saw light and shadow in Europe.
Above all, we will never forget your special hospitality and beautiful city.
We attach a photograph of memory.
Sometimes we want to contact you.
Again, thank you so much.
Mr. Koichiro Kikama and Mrs. Rika Kikama
In Aomori Japan